Hebrews 3

vs. 1-6 Continuing his proofs (what I now realize were noxious to the Jews), ‘Paul’ asserts the superiority of Jesus to Moses.

Points made

1. Jesus: apostle and high priest of our confession

Faithful to God as Moses was faithful

Jesus more glorious: analogy–the builder is more glorious and important than his construction (Picasso is more worthy of honor than his painting).

God made everything.

Moses faithful as a servant; Jesus faithful as a son.

MH sidenote: “This has been turned by some into scorn: “These,” say they, “are the holy brethren;” but it is dangerous jesting with such edge-tools; be not mockers, lest your bands be made strong. Let those that are thus despised and scorned labour to be holy brethren indeed, and approve themselves so to God; and they need not be ashamed of the title nor dread the scoffs of the profane.”

Perhaps from Ben Jonson’s The Alchemist: … (or the milieu of mockery)

the holy Brethren
Of Amsterdam, the exit’d Saints: that hope
To raise their discipline, by it. (II.iv.29-31)

The point: the Jon Stewarts of this world will mock. Partly because of the Christian’s desire to be holy, but often bc of the “holy brethren” tendency to be hypocritical and self-righteous. Live in such a way that the mockery is untrue.

Apostle and high priest: “the chief officer of the Old Testament as well as the New, the head of the church in every state.”


“Consider what he is in himself, what he is to us, and what he will be to us hereafter and for ever; consider him, fix your thoughts upon him with the greatest attention, and act towards him accordingly; look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith.”

.A matter of imitation. Faithfulness to His calling:

“He is faithful to that appointment, punctually observing all the rules and orders of his mediation, and fully executing the trust reposed in him by his Father and by his people.”

A matter of worship: Creation of the world and the church.

“No less power was requisite to make the church than to make the world; the world was made out of nothing, the church made out of materials altogether unfit for such a building.”

So what?

1. Today, ponder the person and work of Christ rather than becoming maudlin.

2. Ponder His faithfulness and apply it to my faithfulness in work and service.

7-19 Do not harden your heart through unbelief.


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